Sonntag, 14. November 2010

It’s all about wraps…. and more….

In our house it is all about wraps, wrapping and baby wearing in general.
When we started babywearing 14 years ago with our first born everybody looked at us like we were an interesting species from mars…. We were students and it felt pretty crunchy, pretty cool…. and perfectly right.
Before Dominik was born I worked as a physiotherapist and during the pregnancy I was already sure that I wanted to make things different. So we chose an ambulant birth in our local hospital ( I think we were the first or second couple in that year and our son was born in October! ) and planned to breastfeed and of course to wear our baby….
Most books I read in this time still described daily routines like feeding every four hours, an own baby bed for the baby and a couple more things that felt simply wrong.
Our son was born on a Sunday morning 9 days after his due date. We went from a party direct to the hospital, had a pretty cool ambulant birth and showed up three hours later at the houses of our parents to show them our little big surprise…. then back home and snuggling in our bed as a brand new family of three….
The first night Dominik slept in his own baby bed because that was what all the great books suggested and while he was asleep, I was not. 
In the second night I decided to trust my feelings as a mother, took our little cutie and put him in our bed…. and so our journey of co-sleeping started….
With wrapping we started when Dominik was three weeks old. It was not that easy to find a shop that sold baby wraps and in times without internet it took me a lot of research. We drove all the way with our brand new baby and finally stopped at a little esoteric and alternative looking shop. The colours of the wraps they sold seemed to be a bit….. ummm…. interesting and we went with a pretty colourful Lana Solara in a 4m length…. The tying instructions were almost not existing and it took me some time to figure out how to start with this long piece of fabric.
But it did the trick. Dominik just started with the typical baby colics and this wrap was the only way we were able to stop him from screaming non stop in the evening. It was such an amazing feeling to have this little baby wrapped on my chest and I enjoyed every single moment of it. When he was three months old we went to a New Year’s party and Dominik slept most of the time in his wrap. It was awesome….
…. and this was the moment I decided to become a baby wearing teacher…. and another journey begun….
By the way…. we still have this Lana Solara. It is the wrap we used with our first kids the most and there are so many beautiful memories woven into it. Moments I will keep forever in my heart and I'm so incredibly thankful for….

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